Tuesday, November 24, 2009

'Twas A Good Day

Hey Hey

So I had a great Sunday this weekend, I went to the gym and pounded out 4 miles (my longest yet) in 39:27 - at 9:51 min/mile pace and burned around 500 calories according to the Nike+. It was an amazing workout, not gonna lie. When I was thinking about my training plan the day before I told myself I'd be happy with somewhere in the 40-45 minute range, but I did even better than that, on my first one. LOVE IT. I have no clue what it was that made it so awesome, only things I can think of were that I had 2 weak runs on Wed/Fri - so maybe I was due for a good one; or because it was the weekend I had time to make self a decent breakfast before I left - that might have kept my energy up better. Either way, there were times I was running and I had to say to myself "I can't believe this doesn't hurt more right now" - anyways, I felt like a million bucks after that one.

After the gym on Sunday, I tried my very first CLIF bar! I've been hearing so much about them all over the blogosphere, but they are kind of hard to come by up in Canada from what I've seen. I actually surprisingly found a few varieties at a Shoppers Drug Mart near where I live, its one of the BIG ones though - so maybe that was why. Either way - it was VERRRY exciting. I tried a Maple Nut one, and it was delicious/very filling. I'll have to pick some up again the next time I'm around there. After my snack, I headed to the mall to discuss cell phone options for me and the boy, once we move out west. We're hoping to get some kind of couples plan, but I just got my blackberry last February so its only like 8 months old - so I'll have to see if it'll cost me boatloads more to change the contract. They gave me some good ideas to think on - we'll probably figure it out once we get out there.

Haha, in other news, the boy told me Saturday night that he went furniture shopping out west and got us a coffee table/end tables... oh yah, and bought a 50" TV from FutureShop... :P What are we gonna do with a TV that size, sheesh? It'll be nice for watching sports (cuz I watch soooo many of those) and stuff like the Olympics I guess - but its definitely gonna be more his baby than mine. So that was an interesting development.

Other than that, I did a quick 35 minute XT on the bike at the gym yesterday, which was actually relaxing because I read a magazine. Also, my boss at work is travelling today and tomorrow - so it'll probably be a little more relaxing here :) JOY!

Anyways, strange thing happened last night - I was home from work for about an hour and my right foot starting hurting - like RIDICULOUSLY badly - it was hard to walk. So Weird! It was still hurting at 11:30 when I went to bed, so I decided to skip the gym this morning and take it easy - but I'm supposed to have a run tomorrow and I really really don't want to miss it.
Has that ever happened to you? What are your strategies for a strain/injury - do you run through it or rest for awhile?
I need all the advice I can get!


Scott and Manda said...

Hey! I love your blog, you crack me up! I'm on your team for the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge and just stopped by to say hey!
p.s. your salad a few posts down makes my mouth water!!!!

Angela said...

The first time I ever saw Clif bars was at an organic store in Kensington, it was so yummy!

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