Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Learning to Breathe

Do you ever just forget to breathe? I did that repeatedly this morning. Today was my first run as part of my 10K training plan. It went pretty decently, I guess, I've done better before - but I think the delay was largely due to the weather. It was only like 2 degrees this morning, so it was a tad chilly. The Nike+ stats are:
Distance: 2.51 miles
Time: 29:30
Pace: 11:42 min/mile
Calories: 277

So it wasn't a super quick run. I did stop 2-3 times at traffic lights for short walk breaks and water... so that may have made it longer. Either way I'm happy I stuck it out and finished. Could be alot worse. I didn't even realize how chilly it was outside until I got back home, and couldn't breathe properly for like 5 minutes while readjusting to "regular" temperatures. Has that ever happened to anyone else? I think I'll have to try and re-train myself to breathe better in colder weather. That was the most challenging part I think.

I've also decided I need to devote some time to my iTunes Workout playlist - considering its basically non-existent at the moment. I find that a good song will really motivate me to move my arse, so that's definitely on the top of my running to-do list. Any recommendations would be awesome!

Anywho, I'm looking forward to the rest of my day. Started it off with a Liberte Strawberry Yogurt and a tea for breakfast. Then I'm meeting my friend at Starbucks for a coffee over lunch - (*WOO* Red Cups start Today!!). Later I think me and the MIML are going to finally pick out furniture and order it so it can be delivered to him when he gets to Calgary next week. Then, one of my bestest friends and my old roomate, Ange, is making us a going away dinner. How awesome is that? And she's Italian - so its guaranteed to be AMAZING! Such a sweetheart.

Anyways, that's my plans for today - tomorrow, I'm gonna do a yoga class in the evening and maybe 30-40 minutes on the elliptical beforehand. So it'll be an evening blog tomorrow, just for a change of pace.


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