Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Think I'm A 5 Day A Week Girl


So its Thursday, and I can't believe its almost the weekend, I'm so excited. This week has been crazy stressful, with the MIML leaving on Monday, and then packing stuff, arrange for people to take my furniture, and trying to fit it time for workouts. I'm a tad overwhelmed! My mom, sister and uncle are coming to town tomorrow to pack some stuff/take furniture while I'm at work - which is super nice of them - but has made me more stressed, because I'm afraid my mom will think I've accomplished nothing. She's even more of an organizational guru than I am! *yikes* we'll see.

So yesterday was supposed to be my cross-train day, but I ended up bailing on that idea. I seriously think I'm only a Workout 5 Days a Week kind of girl, the 6th Day is just KILLER. I was also exhausted after work, and I ended up getting Wendy's for lunch - which was probably a bad idea. I hadn't had fast food in months, and I felt like garbage after. DAMN YOU WENDY'S. I attempted to make up for it by making a fabulous salad for dinner. I basically used everything i could think of: lettuce, red/green onions, cucumbers, celery, pine nuts, pomegranate seeds, tomatoes, and I even put a hard boiled egg in. I was delish and SUPER filling.

This morning I felt bad about missing my workout yesterday, so I hit the gym early and did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 on a stationary bike and burned about 270 calories - woo! Now I feel like I'm back on track.

And because I missed it yesterday, Happy Remembrance/Veteran's Day to everyone. Lest we forget.


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