Friday, November 20, 2009

Its Been Awhile


I've been slacking this week - I just realized I hadn't posted since Monday. :S Ooops

Its been a pretty busy week at work, so I haven't gotten much of a chance to catch up on my Google Reader either... that'll be on my to-do list this weekend! Other than that I don't have much planned for the next few days... probably a couple of trips to the gym, and another girls night with my old roommate tonight. It seems to be becoming a bit of a Friday ritual. Hopefully, I'll have some time this weekend to update this blog - there are so many things I want to add to it - I need to make a date with myself to GET'R Done lol :P

Workout wise, I've been pretty good this week - I did a 2.5 mile run on Wednesday morning - it was a bit rough, I have a difficult time pushing myself. I set mini-goals in my head (ie. run a mile), and once I get there, I stop and walk for 30 seconds or so - but I think I'm gonna have to stop that if I want to build up my endurance. I ran again this morning did a quick two miles in about 19:30 - so maybe I shouldn't get discouraged, I am improving my time bit by bit - its just a slower process than I thought I guess.

How do you stop yourself from getting discouraged??
Do you have any tricks to push through the "ahh I need to stop" moments of your run?

Thats all for now, have a great night all.


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