Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 1 = Success

So today was Day 1 of my 10K training plan, and it was a big success. Feels good already. Day 1 is just strength training, so I did a combination of arms, legs, and ab work - but focused primarily on legs (for running purposes, afterall). Probably about 50% legs, 40% arms, 10% abs. I was surprised that it didn't take me that long to get through everything either, only about 45 minutes. And thanks to 'falling back' this weekend, it was actually sunny when I left my place at 7:15 this morning, that was a nice change.

I just got into work and I've started the day with a Timmie Ho's (Tim Horton's for all the USA readers) tea, and two Kashi granola bars (Honey Almond Flax & Peanut Peanut Butter) - cuz I was starving, but wanted something healthy.

Last night for dinner, the boy and I had a quinoa salad with lots of veggies in it (peppers, zucchini, cherry tomatoes etc) and it was delicious. I was super impressed with how quinoa tastes and isn't super time-consuming to make. Now we have leftovers for a week!

After dinner we met two friends downtown and headed to Centennial Hall for the Just For Laughs all-star tour, it was mucho funny. I've never really been to a comedy show before, but I was very impressed. I think it'll have to become a regular occurance, since it seems like one of the few things me and the boy can agree on.

Anyways, better get cracking on work - but I'm soooo looking forward to tomorrow. 2 miles here I come!


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