Tuesday, December 1, 2009

10 on Tuesday

Thanks to Roots and Rings for the questions!

1. What was the last concert you’ve been to?
Keith Urban & Lady Antebellum in October…2nd time seeing Keith, and he was amazing as always. Had never heard Lady Antebellum before and was SUPER impressed.
2. Is it easy to make you cry?
Incredibly, ridiculously easy. I usually cry over pointless stuff though, and then it takes awhile for “big deal” stuff to hit me.
3. Do you ever feel like people underestimate you?
Sometimes, but its probably largely my fault. I’m a bit of a “yes-man” and can be fairly agreeable on the outside even if something really irritates me on the inside.
4. Name 7 completely random things that you like:
Starbucks, Cupcakes, Spa Days, New Haircuts, Getting Off Work Early, Seeing Family, MIML
5. What’s your favorite reality TV show and why?
Oh…. Such a tough one, probably Biggest Loser – I adore that show.
6. What is your favorite hair care product?
I recently purchased a styling product from Aveda called the Glossing Straightener from their Smooth Infusions line – its amazing, smells like Strawberry and makes my hair sparkle.
7. What’s your favorite song at the moment?
Umm… slightly embarrassing but probably ‘Bigger’ by The Backstreet Boys – I still haven’t gotten over my Grade 7 Crush.
8. What’s the number one thing on your Christmas wishlist?
Probably some kind of fitness equipment or a trainer, but realistically, I’ll be happy to just be finally moved out West.
9. Have you ever lost your cell phone?
Yes, I lost my old cellphone under my family’s couch in the basement and didn’t find it for like 6 months – by then I had bought another. :)
10. Did you attack the hordes of shoppers for Black Friday?
I live in Canada, so a lot of them didn’t apply to me, but I online browsed hardcore – there were some pretty awesome deals.


RunToTheFinish said...

ok so I can only comment on your blog from Firefox...anyone else having this issue?

Love Lady A. was it a fantastic concert???

Also noticed you haven't posted any HBBC points let me know if you didn't get the link

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