Friday, December 18, 2009

Year in Review (Part II)

Welcome to the 2nd installment of my year in review :)

What needs work:

Now that the boy has a fancy new job, and I’m facing the reality of being unemployed for at least the first little while out West, we are really going to need to get into a better pattern for saving. If there is one thing living on my own for the past two months has shown me, it’s that we can live on less (less food, less stuff, less everything). I’m sure I will get a job eventually, and then we’ll be in good shape – it’ll just be important to continue saving at that point for things like a house and travelling that we would like to do down the road.

Fitness: I find it hard to stick with exercise plans when other ‘life-stressors’ (ie. Moving and the Holidays, most recently) come up. This just makes me discouraged and I am going to focus on making it a priority in 2010.

Managing My Stress: Ask anyone who knows me; I am notoriously bad at managing stress. I cry, I get angry, and I take it out on the people who are trying to help me. It’s not good. I need to find a better way of recognizing situations that will stress me out, and doing things to avoid/manage them better than I have.

Eating Properly: I started this in 2009 but I would like to improve on it. I have considered going vegetarian or pescatarian, but I never actually follow through with it. I’d like to at least try and head a little more in that direction in 2009.

Keeping in Touch: In the past I haven’t been SUPER great at keeping in touch with friends from high school/university when I left. I really will need to make an effort this year to do so, since we will be so far away. Besides, I’d like to have people want to come and visit every now and then :)

Giving Back: In the past few years I haven’t spent that much time volunteering and I would really like to get back into it. I have always enjoyed it and have met wonderful people through it.

That’s it for today, stay tuned for Part III – The 2010 Goals - tomorrow.


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