Monday, January 4, 2010

Successful Move

Sorry for the delay in posting - but I figured since everyone is back at work today, I better get back to it as well. :)

So... I'm officially a West Coaster *yay*. I left for Calgary, last Tuesday, and have spent the better part of last week unpacking and getting my bearings around here. New Years was a lot of fun, my cousin's husband's family is from Calgary so we went over to their place and I got to meet some locals (always a good thing) and see my cousin. They also somehow talked us into going hot-tubbing at midnight in -22 degree weather. Crazy Calgarians! My hair froze, but other than that it was loads of fun.

Now I'm officially back on the job hunt - I was telling the boy last night, that I haven't been "unemployed" since like high school - and I'm one of those people that needs to be busy to be happy. I find it very hard to relax and go with the flow - so this will be an interesting test for me. I made an appointment at a local gym to get a tour and a 7 day pass for tomorrow - I figure even though I'm not making money at the moment, I can justify a gym membership because it will keep me sane/give me something to do aside from job applications all day.

The movers will most likely show up this week - and I can't WAIT for that! The boy has been living off of paper plates since he left, and I honestly don't know how he's survived this long... I'm desperate for our furniture/kitchen stuff to get here. My car should arrive next week as well - its also being shipped (the idea of driving across the Canadian Prairies in the winter freaks me out, to say the least), so I'm going to have to get snow tires put on ASAP once it arrives. I'm not a very confident winter driver - but I guess I will have to learn.

Today, I'm going to attempt meal planning for the week (gotta save money where you can), hit the grocery store nearby, and apply for a few jobs.

Thats about all that's new with me, I'll keep you posted on what happens as I try and figure out this new city.

How did you spend your New Years?


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